Friday, May 7, 2010

The Things They Carried EDITED

So far in The Things They Carried, the story has jumped around from pre to post to right in the middle of the war. There are a plethora of different stories that he tells throughout the story. Some of the stories that he mentions really jump out at you. Some of these stories would be; when Ted Lavender is killed, or the story about the boy that Tim killed. The one that really stands out to me the most is about Mary Anne Bell, and when she comes to Vietnam. This story is very interesting because in the first place, who let her go? Did her parents know about this? Did Marks officers know about this? Why would they jus let this girl come out to Vietnam in the middle of the war just to see and be with her boyfriend? Why does she do this? This passage is very interesting because she is a women and she goes to this war all the way across the seas. The other thing is what happened to her that she just turns into this “war girl.” She wears a necklace of tongues and she cares for injured soldiers. To me this section the most because of how much she changes during a short amount of time spent at this camp.

O'Brian, Tim. The Things They Carried. NewYork: Broadway Books, 1990. Print.

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